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 Pups are pictured at 6 weeks old.


Purple ribbon "Gracie" SOLD

 Hi Cathy,

Gracie is so sweet! Her and Barney have a blast together!
Sorry it's been so long but we have had a busy summer.
Will send more pics soon!
Kathy and Dick

Pink ribbon "Ema" SOLD
Yellow ribbon "Agnes" Sold

Hello Cathy,

Here is an updated photo of Agnes.  She has completed 2 obedience classes, and is progressing and socializing well.  We hope to get her into agility in the spring, as she seems to enjoy each of the obstacles she has been introduced to.  She has been  a great addition to our family.
The Shepard Family
Georgetown, MA


Blue ribbon "Taz" SOLD


Hi Cathy
Thought I would send along this photo, Taz is finally growing into his ears.
He's doing well - graduating from puppy class next week and moving on to beginning at the end of the month.
The McManus Family


Hi Cathy

Just wanted to drop a quick note - Taz is really settling in and adjusting well.

He is a pistol - no fear in this little guy. (until the Lab barks at him and then it only lasts seconds)

A little too smart and curious for his own good. (got stuck under the stairs the other day and figured out how to jump/climb over lots of things)  We are thinking agility training already :)

Thank you for allowing us to have him!

The McManus Family

7 weeks old
6 weeks old
4 weeks old
Britches & Jack pups 1 week old

Britches & Jack pups were born on May 28th, 2014. 3 females and 1 male tri colors. These pups have been SOLD. The pups have been weaned from Mom to RAW Goats milk, to Fromm Gold Puppy Food.  They have been given the NuVet Plus supplement and advised to continue it, so if you have not ordered it yet, please do so www.nuvet.com/55409.  Our Vet visit is on July 17th, pups will get a health check and 1st shots. They will be ready for pick up any time after that visit. Call to schedule your pick up day & time. Balance due in CASH upon pick up.

Britches & Jack pups
My grandkids with the pups
My grandkids with the pups
My grandkids with the pups

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